Nestled between the waters of Lake Erie and Rondeau Bay, we offer the young and young-at-heart boater the comfort of a full service marina. Enjoy your day catching a world-class fish or spend a leisurely afternoon sunning beside the swimming pool. We look forward to serving you!
In October 2020, Erieau joined the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup, with cleanup and capture technology installed thanks to the support of Ontario's Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Watch this space for more updates!
The (Data) Story
So Far: 2020
Litter comes in many shapes, sizes and varieties.
Here are the top 4 items collected at Erieau Marina:
What is the to-date impact of the plastic cleanup and capture technology at this site?
Small fragments
Large Fragments
Small foam pieces
Small pellets
We also found intact items in the Seabins
- including a toothpaste cap!
The average catch at Erieau Marina: This is the average count and weight of litter collected in a 24-hour-period by the devices at the marina!